Ray T. Chesna offers workshops available to present on request

Solo Acoustic Delta Blues Guitar

Three Note Chords for Blues and Swing

Solo Acoustic Blues Guitar: Delta and Piedmont

String Theory for the Guitarist

The Major Scales, their Modes
(and how to play them on your guitar)



“An outstanding teacher and outstanding human being.
He opened the door wide for us to begin to grasp the underlying logical structure of music.
I’m taking away a lot to work on. My class with Ray was the highlight of each day.”

-Student, Guitar Tools Music Theory

“When people ask me how I got to suddenly play so much better, I say CHESNA.
When people ask how I got to suddenly play so much better, I say CHESNA! When they ask how this old guy got rhythm, I say CHESNA! When my wife asks me why I am playing 5 hours a day when I should be working, I say CHESNA. My confidence is high; I understand the instrument like never before and appreciate it’s awesome complexity; I play all over the fingerboard; I use inversions and build chords with ease; and I can figure our any song I want to because I know what chords simply have to be there. And all because of Chesna and his remarkable ability to know where your students are and what then need. (Theory!!!)

-Marshall P. Duke, Ph.D., Charles Howard Candler, Professor, Department of Psychology, Emory University



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